Health Tips For Adults, If you are obese or overweight, you should follow these top health tips for adults. Having a few extra pounds is more dangerous than you think. Your extra weight will increase your risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
You have to follow healthy eating and exercises can improve your overall health.
Feeling overwhelmed? Worry no more!
In this article, we discuss more in detail with an action plan to reduce and maintain a healthy weight.
Keep reading!
In this article:
What is a healthy weight?
What are the health risks of being overweight or obese?
Health Risks Of Being Overweight Or Obese During Pregnancy
Why do people become overweight?
The World around You
Healthy Eating
What kinds of foods should I eat?
Eat more of these nutrient-rich foods
Eat less of these foods
Easy Snack Ideas
Quick Breakfast Ideas
How can I follow a healthy eating plan?
What is a healthy weight?
Globally, body mass index (BMI) is used to find whether a person is at a healthy weight or not.
BMI calculates your weight according to your height. If your BMI is within 18.5 to 24.9, you have healthy weight. A BMI between 25 to 29.9 is regarded as overweight and those above 30 is called obese.
You can also find your risks associated with your body weight using waist measurements. If you are a man and your waist line measures greater than 40 inches or if you are a woman and you have a waist measurement of more than 35 inches, your weight is not considered healthy.
What are the health risks of being overweight or obese?
As we have stated earlier, having a few extra pounds will put your health in danger.
We have listed the diseases you are at risk for:
Type 2 diabetes
Cardiovascular disease and stroke
High blood cholesterol
Kidney disease
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
High blood pressure
Problems with pregnancy
Some cancers
Health Risks Of Being Overweight Or Obese During Pregnancy
Your extra weight can cause these health problems with pregnancy:
Gestational diabetes
Increased risk for cesarean section
High blood pressure
Why do people become overweight?
If your calorie intake is more than your calories burnt, the extra energy will be stored by your body and can result in weight gain.
There are various factors involved in weight gain, we will explain them below.
The World around You
There are many factors that contribute to a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food choices. Junk food is available easily than fresh fruits and vegetables at a lower cost.
Workplaces, communities, and homes also play a major role in healthy choices. Increase in the use of technologies and modern lifestyle changes keep everyone physically less active.
Did you know that genes are also responsible for obesity and overweight in addition to lifestyle? Also, families influence when and what you eat.
Certain medications may result in weight gain. Steroids, medicines for depression and other mental illness are known to cause weight gain.
Talk to your doctor regarding the possible side effects of any medicines that you take.
Eating should be mindful. You should be consious about your calorie intake. In the modern world, many are eating when they are stressed, sad, bored, angry β even though they are not hungry.
Healthy Eating
It is your responsibility to make healthy food choices. Start with being mindful on what you eat and avoid unhealthy ones from your grocery list.
What kinds of foods should I eat?
You should consult with your doctor and dietician and come out with a meal plan. There are many factors like age, gender, previous history, and current health conditions that determine what and how much you should intake.
Eat more of these nutrient-rich foods
Minerals, vitamins, and fiber are required for your body to function properly. We have listed out the general guidelines for taking healthy food below:
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains, like brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread
Poultry, lean meats, seafood, and eggs
Fat-free or low-fat milk and cheese, or rice or rice milk that are rich in calcium and vitamin d
Nuts, beans, and seeds
Eat less of these foods
You have to eat these below-mentioned foods with moderation. These foods have less nutirition but have more calories.
Sugary drinks and desserts
Foods with contain butter, fats or shortening
Rice, white bread and pasta
Easy Snack Ideas
Many people take more calories and eat junk food between their meals. Here are foods that you can take from now on.
Yogurt that contains no or little fat
Fruits β fresh fruits are recommended or canned ones or dried
Baby carrots or sliced vegetables
Quick Breakfast Ideas
Breakfast should give you an energetic start for the day. Here is a list of healthy yet easy-to-make breakfast ideas for you.
Fruit smoothies with yogurt and frozen fruit
Cereal that is rich in fiber, less sugar along with fat-free or soy milk
Whole wheat toast with low-fat cheese
Oatmeal with fat-free or soy-based beverage with fresh fruit or walnut toppings
How can I follow a healthy eating plan?
We hope you have understood the importance of healthy eating by now. To make it a habit, follow these tips and stay healthy!
Keep snacks that are less in sugar and fat content. This will help reduce hunger and avoid overheating
Dont skip breakfast. This will help you avoid overeating later in the day
Have plenty of vegetables, such as leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots, and sweet potatoes
Go for whole grain foods such as oatmeal, pasta, slices of bread and brown rice
Avoid fruit juices, as they lack fiber and contain sugar. Eat fresh fruits.
Use fewer fats and oils. Fish is a good source of heart-friendly fat and also vitamins and minerals.
Restrict the intake of drinks and foods that have high sugar.
Every food choice that you make affects your health. Be mindful and choose wisely.
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