Quick weight loss diet plan to reduce 10kg within a week – guaranteed results without exercise

Quick weight loss diet
Quick weight loss diet

How to lose weight quickly? This question is common and unavoidable in the modern world. Follow this quick weight loss diet to get better results than other methods.There are many factors that contribute to weight gain and you have to find the best way to lose your extra weight.

In this article, we talk about diet, exercises, what to eat and what to avoid in order to lose weight quickly.

Obesity is a global problem that causes a wide range of diseases. You should be mindful in what you eat and your daily activities.

Why should you lose weight?

Being overweight or obese puts in the risk for several health issues like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.

To minimize your health risk, you should shed some pounds.

Check your BMI and find your ideal weight. Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight should be your objective.

Weight loss: Myth Vs Facts

Many think that losing weight faster is the right way. Quick results won’t last long. If you want to reduce weight and maintain it – reduce slowly and steadily.

It is a myth that some supplements can help you lose weight magically. The real fact is supplements can be effective only if you change your eating habits, lifestyle and stick the diet plans.

Bellow we are mentioning our keto diet explanation video for you to check and to get idea very quickly about what is the keto diet.

for further information you can visit our detail article about Keto Diet Foods List: Your Ultimate Guide article and other diet plan details articles i am mentioning in the end of this article.

Eat healthy

This advice is not overrated. You will see the real changes when you start eating healthy with a quick weight loss diet plan.

A healthy diet means a balanced diet that fulfills your body.

If you are not sure what to eat, please consult with a dietitian and your doctor.

A healthy diet is not one size fits all. You should get the right amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that your body requires.

Your gender, age, family history of health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, etc, current health issues, medications that you take – all these factors have an impact on what you should eat.

Add more vegetables

Eating vegetables is like treating your body in the right way. Avoid eating too much fried and processed foods.

Choose fresh vegetables and cook them in healthy methods like boiling over deep frying. Reduce the amount of greasy, oily substances that have bad cholesterol.

Did you know that vegetables are rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals and antioxidants and less in calories?

If you are serious about losing weight, you have to consume more vegetables and fruits.

Instead of having unhealthy snacks, go for veggie salads and sandwiches. By this way, your vegetable intake will be high and the calories will be less.

Restrict your sauces

This might be a less known fact. Yes, sauces and condiments can spoil your healthy meal.

Your favorite peanut butter or maple syrup may taste delicious but increase the calories.

Did you know that a tablespoon of mayonnaise contains 90 calories?

To avoid adding more calories, choose the condiments and sauces that have fewer calories.

You can choose hot sauce or horseradish that have fewer calories. Even this small change can help you cut some calories and reduce your weight.

Lifestyle changes

This is one of the hardest things you can do – changing your lifestyle.

You might be sitting more just because of your work. Your sedentary lifestyle should be changed to an active lifestyle.

Use a productivity technique like Pomodoro – in which you have to stay focused at work for 25 minutes and take a 5 minutes break.

You can make use of this five minutes break for stretching your body, getting some water or a short walk to the bathroom. Just keep moving.

Instead of trying high-intensity workouts in the start, try simple changes like using the steps instead of the elevator.

You have to find and replace the sedentary vs active lifestyle. There is no other way.

Keep moving your body, stay active and burn more calories.

Avoid beverages

Who else do not like the sugary soft drinks? All your beverages come with sweetened flavors including iced teas.

Keep in mind that consuming sugary drinks can increase your calories.

You might end up gaining weight instead of losing them.

Sounds crazy right?

We got you.

As the best practice avoid soft drinks and replace them with just water.

Water helps in metabolism which indirectly helps in losing weight.

Initially, this might be difficult for everyone. While others are having their drink you will be tempted to go for it.

Either you want to lose weight? Or gain weight?

The choice is yours.

Eat slowly

The secret to eating less is eating slowly.

Try this and you will realize how true it is.

When you eat slowly, you tend to bite and chew your food well which helps you digest the food easily.

Your brain will assume that you are getting enough food since you eat slowly which takes more time.

Let us say, you take 20 minutes to eat your meals slowly, your brain will conclude that you are full.

Take more fiber

Fiber helps you to reduce weight indirectly. Your body cannot digest fiber, it will be excreted in undigested form.

Adding fiber to your diet makes you feel full easily which helps you to eat less and eventually results in weight loss.

Take soluble-fiber in your meals and make it a habit.

Monitor your weight daily

Losing extra weight and maintaining a healthy weight is not a sprint. It is a marathon.

You have to monitor your weight daily. This serves as a reminder and also a motivation for your weight loss goals.

If you are following a quick weight loss diet like Paleo or Keto diet you should be monitoring your weight daily.

Tack what you eat

Get a fitness app or note down on what you eat over a week with calories. Find the foods that are less in nutrition and high in calories and eliminate them from your diet.

Studies show that people who track their food intake and physical exercises lose more weight.

Avoid binge eating

When you follow a weight loss diet, you might tend to binge on food. This can affect your whole weight loss process.

Quick weight loss diet
You might be eating healthy snacks like nuts or cheese but do not forget about the calories.

You need to control your mind and think about the consequences.

Try meditation and yoga techniques to control your mind and get rid of binge eating habit.

Restrict your alcohol intake

All alcoholic beverages are high in calories. If you are consuming more alcoholic drinks, you cannot lose weight.

Another option is to mix the spirits with beverages that contain zero calories.

High-protein breakfast

You should not skip your breakfast, otherwise you will get more hungry and eat more snacks or during lunch.

Taking a high-protein breakfast will help you get a good start for your day. It will keep your post-meal snack cravings away.

This also reduces the levels of the hunger hormone. By taking a high-protein diet like eggs and nuts you will shed a few pounds gradually.

Weight loss diet

As we mentioned earlier, you have to be strict with what you eat. Consult with your dietitian and doctor before you start dieting.

You can choose from the Atkins diet, keto diet or paleo diet as a quick weight loss diet.

Paleo diet for weight loss
Paleo diet helps you lose and maintain weight. It is the way of eating similar to the Paleolithic era. The main ideology behind this diet is modern foods do not match with human needs.

Paleo diet allows you to control your appetite, blood pressure, and to lose weight.

What to eat on the Paleo diet

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Lean meats
  • Fish that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, including salmon, mackerel and albacore tuna
  • Oils derived from fruits and nuts like olive oil, walnut oil
  • What to avoid on the Paleo diet
  • Grains including wheat, oats, and barley
  • Legumes like peas, peanuts, beans, and lentils
  • Dairy foods
  • Refined sugar
  • Salt
  • Potatoes
  • Foods that are highly processed

A sample Paleo diet menu

Here is a sample menu for a day, you can come up with your own menu as you wish.

Breakfast. Cantaloupe and broiled salmon

Lunch. A salad with cucumber, carrot, walnuts, tomatoes and broiled lean pork.

Dinner. Steamed broccoli, salad with avocado, almonds, tomatoes, mixed greens, strawberries for dessert.

Snacks. Carrot or celery sticks, an orange

You should drink more water and be active when taking the paleo diet.

Read our paleo diet guide here

Keto diet for weight loss

Keto diet is taking fewer carbohydrates and more fats. It helps you to lower blood sugar and insulin levels. You can try keto diet as quick weight loss diet plan.

There are four types of the ketogenic diet, namely standard, cyclical, targeted and high-protein keto diet.

Foods to Avoid on the keto diet

Any food that is high in carbs should be limited.

Here is a list of foods that need to be reduced or eliminated on a ketogenic diet:

Foods that have high sugar including smoothies, ice cream, cake, soda, fruit juice, and candy, etc.
All fruits except strawberries.
Legumes such as peas, lentils and beans.
Starch and grains like cereal, pasta, rice etc
Tubers like potatoes, carrots etc
Low-fat foods
Alcoholic beverages

Read our keto diet guide here

Atkins diet for weight loss

This diet contains low-carb foods. It helps in reducing your body weight significantly.

Atkins diet has four phases namely induction, balancing, fine-tuning and maintenance phases.

Foods to eat on the Atkins diet

You are allowed to take these below-mentioned foods on the Atkins diet

Meats: Chicken, beef, lamb, pork, bacon
High-fat fish and seafood: Sardines, trout, and salmon, etc.
Eggs that have higher omega-3 content
Vegetables that have low carbohydrates
Diary products with high-fat content like cream, cheese, and butter
Seeds and nuts including almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc

Read our Atkins diet guide

Yoga for weight loss

Either you can choose power yoga to burn calories or restorative yoga that helps you reduce weight.

Yoga helps you in taking control of your behavior which ultimately results in lifestyle changes. It also helps you reduce stress, being mindful and burn calories.

By practicing mindfulness you will not overeat and maintain a healthy weight.

When you combine other physical activities like swimming or walking along with yoga practices your cardiovascular system may get more health benefits.

Yoga and mindfulness

It is a well-known fact that our thoughts inspire our actions. You become what you think.

Yoga helps you to control your thoughts and helps you stay mindful.

Self-discipline is the most important part of weight loss.

Fitness programs, weight loss diet, and supplements cannot help you lose weight unless you are mindful of your actions.

By practicing yoga and meditation you can control your mind, be stress-free and get good sleep.

This helps you stay focused and avoid overeating or taking foods that are not nutritious.

Yoga poses at home

Try the yoga poses like sun salutations, plank pose, boat pose and practice them three to five times a week. It is recommended to practice at least an hour of yoga per week.

All you need is a yoga book or video course and a yoga mat.

Invest in yourself and you can see the amazing changes that yoga brings in your body.

Why I can’t lose weight?

Quick weight loss diet

Did you know that your underlying health conditions can affect body weight?

If you have noticed, we stressed the importance of consulting with your doctor and dietitian before taking any weight loss diet.

Health issues like thyroid problems, sleep apnea, PCOS can affect your body weight.

Even though you are following the diet strictly, your body may not show any changes in weight.

To avoid this, get a consultation from your doctor. You have to tell your doctor about past and current health issues and treatment.

Try an alternative meal

Your efforts are not showing any signs of weight loss? No worries! Try an alternative meal.

This coffee drink contains ingredients that promote weight loss and can be an alternative meal for breakfast. This coffee drink can also boost your energy and restraint your appetite that can be a big help when you are on a diet or in a workout. Now you can enjoy your coffee drink while burning your fats.

Beware of fake products that are now spreading online. This coffee drink is a quality product of Click and if you want to try this coffee drink you can order now.

Set realistic goals

Many people who want to lose weight set unrealistic goals. This is why you need to get a consultation from a fitness coach and your doctor.

It is not about how fast you lose weight, healthy weight loss takes time and efforts.

Quick weight loss might have side effects and affect your health.

If you want to stay healthy, follow the diet strictly and lose weight gradually.

Tips to maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is a difficult thing to do. Once you reached your weight loss goal, it is not the end.

You have to continue the same meal plan, physical activities, and active lifestyle.

For many people, it is easy to lose weight but they fail to maintain it.

Since shedding your extra weight itself a tedious job, you tend to loosen up the food and lifestyle.

When to visit your doctor?

You might be having side-effects or minor issues in the beginning due to dieting or exercises.

Hunger and tiredness may be seen in people who are trying to go on a diet for the first-ever time.

Talk to your doctor and explain your weight loss goals and your diet plans.

Key take away

Set realistic weight loss goals
Find the right diet plan with the help of your doctor and dietitian
Follow the diet strictly
Stay physically active and in control
Monitor your weight daily
Continue the diet even after reaching the healthy weight
Talk to your doctor if you think of any problems with your weight loss process.

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Which quick weight loss diet do you like to try in order to lose weight? Leave a comment below.